Thank you so much to our Foothill Community! We had about 15 families help us on Saturday between 10:30 and 5:30, and then about 4 families come back to finish up Sunday morning between 9 and 11:30am. Our families put in a lot of love and sweat and it shows!
We removed all of the old plants and weeds out of the bed. We build 16 rectangular beds and one septagon bed (out of cinder blocks that our kids painted). (We still have one 3′ x 6′ bed that is coming. We’ll assemble it in a week or so.) We laid down newspaper everywhere to keep the old weeds from coming in. Then we moved about 50 wheelbarrows full of dirt and another 50 wheelbarrow loads of mulch into the new beds! We put down our path stones and some new edging. We set up our new composter (and filled it full of the weeds and cardboard). And we put up a few new signs. Finally, we started with a little bit of the planting.
As of this morning, our resident hummingbird family was feasting in the pollinator garden. We spent the weekend pointing out the hummingbirds, butterflies, slugs, and spiders out to our Foothill kids. We were rewarded by hearing our kids ask “Can I try?” as we showed them how to use tools.
Over the next several weeks, we’ll be inviting the classrooms out to plant in our new beds! Stay tuned — we’ll have another community garden day in a few weeks. When we meet again, we’ll want to start our Mosaic International garden. If you have ideas for what we could plant that would represent our diverse Foothill community, please email us at