To register, go to You will need to log in to your account!

This page is part of Foothill PTA’s old website, and won’t be updated.  You probably really want to see the current page at:

Foothill Elementary’s

Production of

Music by


Lyrics by


Book by


Performances will be on November 2nd at 7pm, on November 3rd at 2pm and 7pm, and on November 4th at 2pm.

Mrs. Margie Alejandro will be directing our musical again!  Mrs. Alejandro was an SUSD Music teacher for 22 years.  Our parent producer is our own Ms. Sia Marks.

Students will need to attend 2-3 rehearsals per week (see below), and we ask for a monetary donation and volunteer time for each student.  (Our suggested donation is $250 per student and approximately 12 hours of volunteer time — this would allow us to break even on the production.)

Registration and Auditions

Registration will happen between August 23rd and August 30th.  Auditions will be on Tuesday, September 4th from 3-6:00pm and on Wednesday, September 5th from 1-6:00pm.

Students who want a speaking line or a solo should download and learn these lines.

The music for the audition can be found here:

A Whole New World

Friend Like Me With Vocals

Friend Like Me Instrumental Only

Rehearsal Schedule

Students should be able to attend rehearsals.

Historical Musical Information can be found here!

2017-2018 Musical

2016 Musical