Reasons You Should Join the Parking Lot Helpers at Morning Drop-off Time:

1.)   The biggest reason is our kids’ safety!  Several decades ago, we had a tragic accident at Foothill when a car accidentally accelerated in a drop-off line.  In order to keep all of our kids safe, we need caring and responsible adults to help with drop-off time, opening car doors and helping kids get out.

2.)   Helping at drop-off time is a great pick-me-up at the beginning of your day!  Imagine 15-20 minutes of opening doors for kids, exchanging smiles and a ‘Good morning!’ with families.

3.)   It is a great way to meet other caring adults in the Foothill community.

If you can spare 20 minutes in the morning to help, please sign up here!  If every child at Foothill had a family member volunteer just two mornings in the whole school year, we would have more parking lot help than we need!

We Need Parking Lot Help!