Do you have a special talent? Juggling? Stand-up? Magic Tricks? Irish Dancing? Public Speaking? Then be a part of this years Variety Show!! All 5th graders can be stage hands and master of ceremonies. THE APPLICATIONS ARE NOW ONLINE!!
Important dates for the Variety Show 2015:
Tues. Feb 10th: Applications available on-line @ Foothill’s website
Tues. March 10th 3pm: Deadline to submit applications to Christina Cagliostro
Wed. April 1 12:45 to 2:45 pm: Act previews & sign up for practice
Wed. April 15 12:45 to 3:45: Individual practice time on MPR stage
Mond April 27th , 3-5:30pm: Technical Rehearsal
Tues. April 28, 3- 5:30pm: Dress Rehearsal
Thurs. April 30th, 10:30am: Day Performance
Thurs. April 30th, 6:30pm: Evening Performance