Do you have a special talent?  Juggling? Stand-up? Magic Tricks?  Irish Dancing? Public Speaking?  Then be a part of this years Variety Show!!  All 5th graders can be stage hands and master of ceremonies.  THE APPLICATIONS ARE NOW ONLINE!!

Volunteer Job Descriptions

Performer Permission Slips


Important dates for the Variety Show 2015:

Tues. Feb 10th: Applications available on-line @ Foothill’s website

Tues. March 10th  3pm: Deadline to submit applications to Christina Cagliostro

Wed. April 1 12:45 to 2:45 pm: Act previews & sign up for practice

Wed. April 15  12:45 to 3:45: Individual practice time on MPR stage

Mond April 27th , 3-5:30pm: Technical Rehearsal

Tues. April 28, 3- 5:30pm: Dress Rehearsal

Thurs. April 30th, 10:30am: Day Performance

Thurs. April 30th, 6:30pm: Evening Performance

The Foothill Variety Show is Coming April 30!