Soil-filled raised beds made of cedar.
Our first completed tiered raised beds for the year.

Thank you so much to the five Foothill families who came to our first Garden Day!  We assembled shelves for our new shed, built a garden wagon, got rid of weeds and old plants, and built our first four raised beds.  The Foothill kids helped: they used tools, fed the worms, and watered the plants in our Kindergarten garden.

A Foothill parent clearing weeds and old plants.
A Foothill family assembling tiered raised cedar beds.
A black wagon.
Our new garden dump wagon.
Foothill parents assembling our garden wagon.
A four foot wide metal shelving unit in a shed.
New shelving unit for our garden shed.

We got a LOT done, but we still have a lot more to do.  Our next Garden Day is Saturday, September 9th, from 10:30 to 3:30.  (We’ll order pizza!) We have many more retaining walls to build.  Please have kids come ready to get dirty–both from soil and also from paint!  As we get the new beds placed in our garden, we will fill them with soil.  We’ll also put down newspaper and mulch and garden stones. Please join us!

A draft plan for our Foothill Library Garden.


Foothill Garden is Off to a Great Start for the Year!