We held our PTA Executive Board Election at our May 20th Meeting.

Our officers for next year are–

President: Misty Davies
Executive Vice President (and Acting Secretary): Denise Zarins
VP for Classroom Activities: Shay Bagherian
VP for Communications: Bhavana Narayanan and Ruchi Joshi
VP for Membership: Saritha Sundaresan
VP for Outreach: Madhu Gupta
Treasurer: Debbi Bettinger

Congratulations to this board, and thank you for your service!

We are still seeking several positions on this board. Please note that each of these positions can be shared, if you would like to have someone to help you to do it. In particular, we are looking for —

VP for Student Programs: This position assists the chairs for the Fall Musical, Art Docent, Spelling Bee, Junior Achievement, Science Day, and the Variety Show. They write news for the e-News about these programs, and communicate issues and budget needs to the board.

VP for Infrastructure: This position organizes our parking lot helpers and helps with questions and issues regarding the facilities and PTA equipment. They write news for the e-News and communicate issues and budget needs to the board.

Secretary: This position keeps the official records (including the minutes) for the PTA. They also help to verify that all of our expenses have been approved.

Auditor: This position oversees our financial records, and reports on our financial transparency to the board, to the Foothill community, and to the State PTA.

Historian: This position collects records, reports, volunteer hours, and procedures for the PTA.  At the end of the year, they submit a report to the California State PTA.

If you are interested in any of these offices, please contact us here


Congratulations to our new 2015-2016 PTA officers!