We held elections at our April 23rd PTA Meeting.  Our new PTA officers are:


President       Misty Davies
Exec Vice President     Vidya Vineet
Treasurer    Jessica Yan
Secretary  Vaishali Chandraraju
Financial Secretary
Hospitality Chair  Donnette Teeple
VP Classroom  Sharmi Shah
VP Comm  Ami Sheth
VP Infrastructure
VP Membership
VP Outreach
VP Student Programs
Art Docent    Margery Tonna
Assembly Coordinator  Roxanne Enman
Project Cornerstone  Roxanne Enman

Book Fair Chair
FabLab Lead
FFFN Chair Vaishali Chandraraju
Garden Lead
International Night
Math Team Misty Davies
Musical Producer
Play Ground Pals Grace Liu
Robotics Team
School Supplies
Science Day
Spelling Bee
Staff Luncheon Denise Zarins, DonneNe Teeple, Roxanne Enman
Variety Show



Congrats to the New 2017-2018 PTA Exec Board Officers!