Our Library Garden is getting a big renovation this weekend.  Can you help?  Feel free to come for any part of the day.  The weather is scheduled to be perfect for working outdoors!

We’ll need wheelbarrows and shovels if you can spare them.


Time   Activity
Setup before Saturday: Get all beds, tarps, and paint to the school
8:00 Soil & Mulch Delivered to the Parking Lot
9:00 Set up cones in the parking lot
Run extension cords for power tools
Set up tarps, paint, and cinder blocks
Set up work area for wall-building
 Garden Day Begins!
10:30-Noon Kids Paint Cinder Blocks
Adult to Use Weedeater to remove weeds and old plants
Adults & Scouts & Big Kids to Assemble Raised Beds
Kids to put down edging around artichoke, space flowers, pollinator garden, and drought garden (with adult help)
Noon Pizza arrives!
12:30-3:00 Move soil from parking lot to new beds
Assemble cinder block bed in Empathy Garden
Kids to lay down newspaper mulch along paths and in Empathy Garden
Water newspaper mulch
Move playground mulch to paths and Empathy Garden
Lay down newspaper mulch in new beds
Move bed mulch to new beds
Plant seeds!
Lay down path stones



Can you help with our Big Garden Day this Saturday?