Foothill PTA Meeting Schedule for 2017-2018
PTA Parent Meetings are held in (approximately) September, January, March, April, and May. Agendas and Related Documents will be posted to the Foothill website.
April 23rd, 2018 PTA General Association Meeting & Elections, MPR, 6:15pm
We qpproved minutes from our December meeting. We ratified expenses and released Summer expenditures. We held elections for the 2018-2019 PTA Exec Board. Ms. Heidi Emberling presented: “I’m Talking, but You’re Not Listening.”
March 16th, 2017 PTA General Association Meeting (Science Night), MPR, 6:00pm
We introduced our nomination site and nominations for Exec Board positions and Committee Chairs.
December 19th, 2017 PTA General Association Meeting, MPR, 8:35 am
We approved our 2017-2018 Audit. We ratified expenses and released funds for Spring. Ms. Roberta Zarea, our Assistant Superintendent, talked about the new Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum in the district.
September 1st, 2017 PTA General Association Meeting, Clubhouse, 8:30 am
We approved our initial budget and ratified expenses. We adopted our initial programs for the year. We approved our bylaws. Ms. Roberta Zarea, our Assistant Superintendent, talked about new curriculum in the elementary school.
Ed Services PTA parent presentation fall 2017
Executive Board Meetings 2017-2018
Who: Executive Board Members and Invited Committee Chairs. Any interested person is welcome to attend.
8:30 – 9:30 am Foothill Clubhouse
Foothill PTA Meeting Schedule for 2016-2017
PTA Parent Meetings are held in (approximately) September, January, March, April, and May. Agendas and Related Documents will be posted to the Foothill website.
June 1, 2017 PTA General Association Meeting
We approved the latest budget and ratified expenses. We released funds for the summer.
April 26, 2017 PTA General Association Meeting
We approved the latest budget and ratify expenses. We adopted the end of 2016 audit. We had elections. We released summer expenses.
March 24, 2017 PTA General Association Meeting
We met briefly at the beginning of Science Night for the Nominating Committee report.
January 26, 2017 PTA General Association Meeting
We approved the latest budget and ratify expenses. We talked about nominations for next year’s PTA officers. We heard from Mary Eschen on “How To Get Your Kids To Listen.”
October 13, 2016 PTA General Association Meeting
We approved the latest audit and new program funding. We found out the latest on the district’s educational technology plans from Ms. Blanca Herrera. We met the SUSD Board candidates.
August 18, 2016 PTA General Association Meeting
We approved last year’s financials and the initial program and budget for the year. We sought a nomination for PTA secretary.
Executive Board Meetings 2016-2017
Who: Executive Board Members and Invited Committee Chairs.
8:30 – 9:30 am Foothill Clubhouse
Foothill PTA Meeting Schedule for 2015-2016
PTA Parent Meetings are held in (approximately) September, January, March, April, and May. Agendas and Related Documents will be posted to the Foothill website.
April 28, 2016 PTA General Association Meeting
We approved the current financials and the first half of the year’s audit. We held elections. Blanca Herrera discussed the district’s technology plans.
March 24, 2016 PTA General Association Meeting
The nominating committee announced the proposed slate of officers.
February 3, 2016 PTA General Association Meeting
We approved the current financials and the previous year’s audit. We also approved proposed bylaws changes. We had a parent education speaker.
August 28th, 2015 PTA General Association Meeting
Roberta Zarea will attend this meeting to discuss new curriculum and test scores. Blanca Herrera will attend this meeting to discuss technology in our schools.
Ed Services PTA parent presentation fall 2015
Past Foothill PTA Meeting Schedule (2014-2015)
May 20th, 2015 PTA General Association Meeting
Roberta Zarea attended this meeting and talked about Math Pathways and the new Math Curriculum for our district.
Agenda: GAMeeting.20May2015
Ms. Zarea’s Presentations:
SUSD board presentation 4.28-1
April 20th, 2015 PTA General Association Meeting
We lacked quorum at this meeting and no votes were held.
Agenda: GAMeeting.20April2015
January 30, 2015 PTA General Association Meeting
This was a joint School Site Council and PTA meeting. School Site Council held a parent workshop on Foothill curriculum.
Agenda: GAMeeting.30.Jan.2014
October 2, 2014 PTA General Association Meeting
The agenda was:
* Gathering and refreshments. Welcome and introductions.
* Guest Speaker — Roberta Zarea. See below.
* Presentation of the Minutes from 5/9/2014.
* Adoption of 2014 Mission Statement
* Presentation and adoption of the 2014-2015 Programs and Fundraisers.
* Presentation and adoption of the 2014-2015 Budget.
* Release funds between now and the next association meeting.
* Ratification of checks written since May 9th, 2014.
* Announcements for upcoming events.
* Adjourn.
The first PTA General Association Meeting was October 2nd at 6pm in the Foothill MPR,. Ms. Roberta Zarea, the Director of Education for the Saratoga Unified School District, was the guest speaker. In the previous year, Ms. Zarea did a fantastic job explaining the district’s implementation of the new standards, and also talked a bit about the district’s plans and vision.
Executive Board Meetings 2014-2015
Who: Executive Board Members and Invited Committee Chairs.
8:30 – 9:30 am Foothill Clubhouse