We’d like to get a headcount for setup and refreshments. Please RSVP here.
We will serve dinner at this meeting, and in the Clubhouse.
Menu (Multipurpose Room)
Veggie Lasagna
Cheese-filled Pasta Shells with Marinara Sauce
Butter Chicken and Rice
Bread Sticks
Green Salad
Fruit and Veggie Platter
Veggie Chips
Water and Coffee
Menu (Clubhouse)
Mac & Cheese
Veggie and Fruit Platter
Deli Turkey Meat
Water and Juice
The meeting will be held at 6pm in the Foothill Multipurpose Room.
LGS Recreation is providing childcare during the meeting, their flyer is here.
* Gathering and refreshments. Welcome and introductions.
* Guest Speaker — Roberta Zarea.
Roberta Zarea, along with Principal Bosco, will discuss the Common Core Implementation at Foothill, the New Smarter Balance Assessments, the Next Generation Science Standards, the Local Control Accountability Plan, and the Local Control Funding Formula. Please come and learn about these important topics that affect all students at Foothill Elementary School.
* Presentation of the Minutes from 5/9/2014.
* Adoption of 2014 Mission Statement
* Presentation and adoption of the 2014-2015 Programs and Fundraisers.
* Presentation and adoption of the 2014-2015 Budget.
* Release funds between now and the next association meeting.
* Ratification of checks written since May 9th, 2014.
* Adoption of the 2014 bylaws changes.
* Announcements for upcoming events.
* Adjourn.