

We are happy to offer the special personalized yearbook option again this year. Order today your color yearbook which has hundreds of photos of the events, activities and classes throughout the school year.

If you order a yearbook before Oct 30th for $22.50 ( same price as a standard yearbook), then you have until the end of Jan 2017 to create a personalized back cover for FREE.

Forget to submit personalize page by January or happy with a standard yearbook, you will receive the standard Yearbook if you simply place an order and do nothing else.

How do I order?

1. go to www.betteryearbook.com
2. Click Parents&Students section at right top corner, then select  “PRE-ORDER 2016-17 YEARBOOK.”
3. sign in with
User ID – foothill
Password – dolphin
4. Follow the instructions.

Full details of how to create a personalized back cover online www.betteryearbook.com.

Any questions please contact the Yearbook Committee mmiyahara@gmail.com or vidyare@gmail.com

Time to Pre-Order the Yearbook